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Providers Our Clients Use

Below is a list of providers that our clients have engaged with. You will see that we have broken the providers into the appropriate section of your NDIS plan budget that can be used for their services. 


You may not be eligable for all services on this list as each plan is different, if you are unsure check with your support coordinator or LAC prior to contacting the provider. 

ALSO this is simply a list of providers that our clients have engaged, this is not a recommendation list. We do not have preferred providers or offer referrals in order to ensure that choice and control is maintained for the participant. 

(Assistance with Daily Living, Assistance with Social community and participantion & Consumables)

Improved Daily Living

Improved Relationships

Finding Keeping a Job

Improved Health and Wellbeing

Assistive Technology

Coordination of Supports

© 2017 Complete Plan Management Services.

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